It is critical to let customers know that you’re selling CBD. Try these simple, no cost solutions that can be implemented immediately.


1. Leverage your digital channels! Send emails, add CBD to your website, and don’t forget your social media channels. Share images of the brands or new beverages that are now available!


2. Show CBD front and center when customers walk in. It’s a new product, draw attention to it! Window decals and other signage outside, signs inside directing consumers to the CBD section, and signage wherever the CBD products are displayed. For restaurants and bars, highlight the CBD beverages with table tents, bathroom signage, and with bold font or an icon on the menu to attract attention.


3. Be confident selling CBD. Train your staff in what CBD is and the products you have available. New consumers might ask what they think about the products.


Need help? Ask your sales rep! And, learn more or shop now from our CBD Homepage.