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Also known as “honey-wine,” mead has been enjoyed everywhere from ancient Egypt to King Arthur’s Court. Now it’s your turn.


If you want an unfussy drink that gets the job done, go old-school with a Boilermaker. This straightforward whiskey and beer concoction, wherein the whiskey is dropped into the beer, found favor in the 1800s among factory workers.

Discover Flavorful Meads

Meads are quite unique and are unlike any wine, or even beer or cider. 

About Mead

Mead is a traditional alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey with water and optionally added fruits, herbs, and spices. It isn’t classified as beer or wine in the typical sense but stands apart in its own rank as an alcoholic beverage. In style, it ranges from dry to very sweet, with an alcohol range of 3.5% to 20%. The best-known examples come from Europe, although it is also made in Asia, Africa, and North America as well. You might hear mead referred to as honey wine.