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If you like variety, you’ll like ales. From the hoppy pale ale to the dark and malty stout.

Beer-BBQ Chicken Skewers

Beer-BBQ Chicken Skewers are a delicious and flavorful dish, perfect for grilling or baking. The combination of beer in the marinade and the barbecue sauce creates a savory and slightly sweet glaze.

Discover Flavorful Ales

 American versions tend to be cleaner and hoppier, while British versions tend to be malty, buttery aromatic, and balanced.

About Ale

Ales are fermented at near room temperature for three or four days with yeast strains that prefer warm temperatures and float to the top of the fermenting tank. Ales only need to be aged for a few days. Some examples of popular Ale styles are Pale Ales, Wheat Beers, Stouts, and Amber Ales. Pale Ales are of British origin and are generally known for a good amount of malt and hops. American versions tend to be cleaner and hoppier, while British versions tend to be malty, buttery aromatic, and balanced.