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Porter & Stout

If coffee could be beer you wouldn’t be far off from these dark, rich, sometimes creamy beers. Best in cooler weather.

About Porter & Stout

Porter is a style of ale that originated in England in the 1700s. Like Stouts, Porters are deeply colored due to their roasted malts and have coffee and chocolate flavors and aromas. The precise differences between the two styles are continually debated, but most agree that Porters are less assertive, and fruitier in style. Many beer lovers believe that Porters offer the perfect balance of intensity and drinkability. Alcohol levels typically range between 4 and 6.5%. Once called Stout Porter, Stout is an Ale-style beer directly descended from the Porter style, and popularized in Ireland by Arthur Guinness. Like the Porters, Stouts are deeply colored due to their roasted malts and have coffee and chocolate flavors and aromas. There is still debate on whether Stout should be a separate style from Porter, but most agree that Stouts are richer and more intensely flavored. Popular sub-categories include Dry Stout, Imperial Stout, and Oatmeal Stout. Alcohol levels typically range from 4 to 12%.